Whether you feel a sudden toothache or increasing jaw soreness, you should never ignore oral pain. Triple board-certified sleep apnea specialist Steven Wilk, DDS, targets and treats the underlying causes of oral pain at Denver Sleep Apnea in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Wilk’s goal is to provide comprehensive care that relieves your pain and improves your overall sleep quality. Call the clinic today or schedule an appointment online to learn more.
request an appointmentWhat is oral pain?
Oral pain is discomfort in and around the mouth. It may be localized at first but spread to other areas, like the jaw, ears, and neck. While cavities, infections, and injuries can cause oral discomfort, long-lasting pain is often the result of a chronic (long-term) condition.
With more than 40 years of experience treating oral health conditions, Dr. Wilk offers many diagnostic services to find the source of your oral pain.
What causes oral pain?
Many chronic conditions can cause oral pain, including:
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
OSA causes the muscles and tissues in the back of the throat to collapse, restricting airflow. This increased effort in breathing strains the oral structures, leading to dry mouth, a sore throat, and facial muscle soreness.
Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Bruxism, where you forcefully clench or grind your teeth, adds excessive pressure on the jaw joints and surrounding muscles. This persistent grinding motion leads to soreness, inflammation, and potential damage to the teeth and supporting structures, contributing to oral discomfort and pain.
Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ)
TMJ strains the jaw joints and supporting muscles, which can lead to oral tenderness, sensitivity, and soreness. TMJ may also cause chronic headaches and earaches.
CPAP machine
A CPAP mask, which delivers unobstructed airflow through your nose, can cause facial pressure that inflames oral pain.
What are the signs of oral pain?
Signs of oral pain typically include:
- Toothaches
- Pain when chewing
- Jaw pain
- Pain when opening and closing your mouth
- Bad breath
- Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
- Headaches
- Swelling
- Dry mouth
Dr. Wilk’s comprehensive approach involves using multiple diagnostic tools to uncover oral pain’s underlying cause.
What are the treatments for oral pain?
Determining the underlying cause of oral pain is essential to developing the appropriate treatment. Dr. Wilk aims to create a comprehensive approach that alleviates pain and improves your sleep quality. Your personalized treatment may include:
- Botox®
- Lifestyle adjustments
- Mandibular advancement device (MAD)
- Tongue-retaining device (TRD)
- Medication
Through a combination of innovative treatments and patient-centered care, Dr. Wilk strives to optimize oral health and sleep quality for his patients. Call Denver Sleep Apnea today or schedule an appointment online to receive quality care for oral pain.